Wednesday, November 11, 2009

"Do not criticize or complain"

Or at least that is what Dale Carnegie says.

As for me. I am frustrated out of my wits. I am desperately trying to remind myself of the good points, and I'm not saying that I don't have them, but right this very second, I want to bang my head against the wall.

So here is a short list of things that are frustrating, to be followed by things I love and am happy with because that is a much more positive note to end on.

1. The Gap. Trying to climb the ladder, hate having people beat me to it that have less experience than I.
2. KC guys. Why can't I bring myself to talk candidly when appropriate and shut my big mouth when if spews forth nonsense.
3. My big mouth. For previous reasons.
4. Other part-time printing employees. Who think they're above folding cards. Sorry pal, you print 'em, you'll fold 'em (eventually).
5. "Totally". Again, big mouth. I'm not fifteen anymore.

I have some other issues, but really, who wants to listen to anyone gripe? Certainly not me.
On to things I like.

1. My roommates. The best I could ask for.
2. KCPPCA. Sometimes a night for typesetting washes all the frustration away.
3. My bike. Same thing can be said for a bike ride.
4. Screenprinting. More love here.
5. Wearing my new boots. They make me feel powerful and sexy.
6. Evenings with Halliday and Terri. Excellent lady friends.
7. Working on my product line.
8. The West Bottoms. Everyday I find more to love.
9. same could be said for Kansas City. If only I didn't have to have a second job, or if only my second job could be more fun.

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