Wednesday, April 22, 2009


A poster for non-profit, literacy campain. This one is for Emily Dickinson. Ideally a screenprint as well.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Inclass assignment. "Poster capturing the feeling of a type of music or preformance art." Original 6"x4" scratchboard. Tried to silkscreen it last night but the stencils didn't workout. Digital color. Eventually, I will make a print.


I'm setting this blog up for two purposes.

First, to have a location where I can reliably post artwork and thus be able to it forward to others. Both for professional and personal practices I should be documenting my work, maybe this will help.

Second, eventually I will be partaking in an internship at Hammerpress this summer. I would like to document it via the internet as is common practice these days. I'm hoping get a little blogging in before I go to get in the habit or else I'll find myself with only one post for the entirety of my internship.