The back alley of the Pistol. The white door leads inside to The Ship and Foundations, the architectual salvage store. The windows above is the back of the Pistol.
Warehouses by the Pistol. Come to think of it, I think that's the other side of the alley. The next picture is looking down the street infront of the Pistol towards the train.
The front door of the Pistol Social Club I live on the second floor. My room is the far window above the screen printing shop. The picture below that is the hallway leading up to my place.
The kitchen. The giant table/bar used to be a stage. There is a dishwasher but it doesn't work. The stove is below the funny lamp in the corner. Then there is a picture of fluffy Flora.
The livingroom. I tried to capture the beautiful light that happens at sundown, but I don't think my camera is capable. That's Joe sitting on the couch and my room is on the otherside of the red-orange wall. Joe's shrine is a few pictures down.
My room. Not too much going on there. Just the old air mattress and my computer. It is pretty large and the ceilings are very high. Brady might have a desk I can add, that would be a welcome change as sitting on the floor kind of sucks. You can see my shelves there too. I didn't take a picture of the otherside of my room since there isn't anything to see but the frenchdoors and my clothes hanging up.