Thursday, July 15, 2010


I've been working on Pecos Bill and making a great deal of headway. All but one image is ready for text. I have a feeling I'll need to create probably two to three more scratchboards, but I think that will be a simple endeavor. My schedule for completing the design this weekend, is feasible. Printing next week?

Other projects to complete (ideally this weekend): resume - and finishing the arroyo in my cowboy quilt. As a side note, if I woke up at eight, when my alarm goes off, I'd find I have ample time to complete everything that needs to be done. Late nights aren't working like they did during the school year.

My emotions are still in turmoil, well maybe not so much my emotions but thoughts. I'm going through a significant amount of change right now. I'm on that brink between carelessness and adulthood. There are responsibilities I've yet to undertake that need to be faced.

On that note, my artistic capacity is starting to twitch again. It has been somewhat dead since the arrival of summer - to be expected, but none the less annoying. Somehow I'm not finding the the time to create these works or maybe I'm simply not finding the moment to overcome my own hesitance and put pen to paper. Either way I am feeling that ball of discord that settles in the pit of my stomach when I need to create - and don't.

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