Thursday, October 1, 2009

Happy Anniversary Pistol!

Saturday was the Pistol Social Club's Fourth Anniversary.

I spent the morning (after Adam left) going between the farmer's market and Sunfresh purchasing ingredients for dinner. Eric was planning on coming as well as Joe's friend Maria. I'd decided to try my hand at bacon wrapped stuffed peppers and tamales. I just want to say I can make both just fine, but I'll get into that later...

At the farmer's market, I picked up some spices for the tamales as well as the jalapenos for the stuffed peppers. I also found a 14" mum plants for five dollars that made its way back with me.

At Sunfresh, I surprisingly found everything needed for tamales and the special cheese - queso fresco - for the peppers. I wonder if Fred Meyers has these ingredients. I know they have corn husks so I can only imagine they have everything else, well maybe not the queso fresco, there seem to be more Mexicans here in Kansas City.

I was tempted to buy a pumpkin, but I can annoy my roommates with my absurd love of squash at a later time.

Post grocery shopping I drove to the arts INKubator and screenprinted forty-two anniversary show posters. I was impressed with how well they turned out. I need to scan one or figure out this photo situation because they've gone over smashingly. To my astonishment, I finished three layers in four hours, screen drying time included. Either I'm getting better at printing or my design was very simple - maybe both.

On the way home, I grabbed some cases of soda to sell at the show - trying to make all that I can. I advertised the posters for ten dollars, although I probably should have done five, turns out hipsters are broke.

When the posters were set up and the soda in a cooler, I began the tamales and gutting the peppers.

The show started at ten (by which time the tamales were steaming in my ingenious little aluminum tent contraption) and featured Ill Ease as the opening act.

In between her act and the next, I found out that I can make a mildly mean tamale. Honestly, I was impressed. I didn't think my tamale dough would set up, but it did and the chicken meat inside was rather tasty. Granted, they were no Manny's tamales, but for my first time, they were alright. It must be the spirits of the hundreds I've eaten in my life that helped. It was bound to happen that I start making them myself sooner or later.

The second (and last) main act was Hearts of Darkness. I had to miss a few of their songs to pick up Eric, but we made it back in time to hear the last few of their two and a half hour set.

When the show wound up, we ajourned to the Ship for a night of carousing and partying until the wee hours of the morn. Overall, it was an excellent way for the Pistol to celebrate its day.

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