Thursday, August 13, 2009

This land is my land...

The last three months: Portland to Poulsbo, WA - Bozeman, MT - Murdo, SD - Kansas City, Mo - Dodge City KS, - Santa Fe, NM - Taos, NM - Abiquiu, NM - Moab, UT - Price, UT - Salt Lake City, UT - Boise, ID - Poulsbo, WA - Portland, OR - San Francisco, CA - Monterey, CA - Humboldt State Park, CA - Grants Pass, OR - Portland, OR. (From Dodge City to Portland within a span of the last three weeks) 

I've traveled through Washington, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa, Nebraska, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, Oregon, and California. 

I've driven many miles and have more to go, but for a few days I get to relax and stay here in Portland. I'm feeling a little down and I'll explain why in paragraphs to come...

July 23rd- With my mom in tow, we left Kansas City for Dodge City, Kansas. I would have thought there would be more "Western" tourist cashing in, but there ended up being only one block wide area that was gated in and looked like something from Knotts Berry farm. It was eight or so dollars to go in, so my mom and I passed it up. Some new facts about Dodge City: 1. D.C. is home to two meat packing plants, one of which is the second largest in the United States. 2. Between 1871 and 1875 D.C. was the hub for the mass slaughter of a couple million buffalo. Within four years the trade boomed and died out, so through was the hunting and killing of the buffalo.

July 24th - included driving. We went from Dodge City to Santa Fe, New Mexico. Coincidentally, we we arrived in Santa Fe on the weekend of the Spanish Market. The Spanish Market is a big street fair focused on Hispanic Art, much of which is Catholic/Saint themed.

July 25th and 26th - Spent the days between Santa Fe and Taos. Both cities are quite overrun with tourism. That set aside, (as hard as it might be) the spirit of the of the area was wonderful. The artistic culture includes a fair amount of Dia De Los Muertos, Santos, and general Catholic themes. I enjoyed seeing pictures of saints in many stores and statues dressed with symbolic clothing in the churches. 

On the 26th my mother and I went to Taos Pueblo, very interesting to see an active dwelling like that.

Ate much good mexican food. Had the best tamale's in a alley way cantina. If only I could eat them everyday... goal for me: learn to make killer tamales.

July 27th - August 1st - Ghost Ranch ( This time period I was out of cell and internet service, except if I drove out a few mile and then I could make a phone call. The land was awe-inspiringly beautiful and the location peaceful. We took a watercolor class as part of the retreat center and I realized how much it is I know about painting, I was honestly kind of surprised. I was more advance than the class so instead I worked on my scratchboards and walked around thinking. There was a great deal of thinking and talking with my mom. The weather was wild, hot and sunny in the morning, cold(ish) and stormy at night.

On the 31st my good friends moved me out of my apartment and I thank them very much. I owe you guys. I was stressed out beyond belief wondering how I'd get myself out of there.

August 2nd.  - More driving. From Abiquiu to Price. We stopped in Moab to see Arches National Park. Well worth seeing and even more worth going back to. Next time I will have to take rock climbing shoes. It was like the world's best jungle gym, and the nicest part is, it's okay to climb on the rocks!

More good mexican food.

August 3rd - Saw my old friend Katie Wiseman and her new baby girl, Sophie!!! I spent two hours with her just out side Salt Lake and saw that she is doing very well. Her husband Ben is very nice and I look forwards to when they live closer. Her baby slept the whole time and never pooped on me once.

August 4th and 5th - Arrived in Poulsbo around dinner time. Had pizza with my parents. The next morning I went into the Toyota dealership to have the spark plugs on my car fixed then drove to Portland. Arrived around 5pm, just in time to catch Jenny, Uriah, and Tyler. Went out to Indian food with them and Jenny's sister. After, I gave them a small tour of Portland. Stayed up until 2am hanging out, only to get up at 4 so I could drop my car off at Adam Poolman's. The off to the airport....

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