Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Just another Monday

and Sunday. Not much happened either Sunday or Monday. Sunday I hung out at the Pistol reading, watching Buffy (finished season 2) and working on some packets for school.

Monday I did the same until I was fed up with being inside and drove to Half Price books. They're not kidding when they say half price. I left with nothing other than the bewilderment of a man not knowing what clip art is and I headed out to the Plaza Barnes and Noble. I discovered it not only has four stories, but a surprisingly good illustration/design section. I left with a clip art book to use with my upcoming poster and came back home.

I arrived to a bunch of people sitting outside and hanging, I joined them for an hour or so before Joe and I ventured out on an exceedingly good bike ride. Rode down to the American Royal arena and did figure eights in the parking lot. I'm slowly falling for that little bmx bike, although my butt protests otherwise.

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