Saturday, June 27, 2009

Mid week musings


Work was spent getting plates ready for storage (this included lots of card board cutting and usage of so much tape, I ran out twice) and learning the all new platen press, well all new to me.

Plate storage took up most of the day, as there were 40 or so plates to prepare for boxing. However, I did finish in time to have Brady show me how to use the platen press, or as Abra calls it, the clam shell. I will go further into what the point of a platen press is and why one would use it later on.

After work, I came home and put together the beginnings of my Ex Post Facto Show poster, scanning images from books, finding adequate fonts and finalizing my sketch.


I packaged some shipments and worked on cleaning the studio. It is that time of the printing cycle, when Brady starts to get caught up with printing and then it is time to clean up everything that has been printed. I sorted furniture (wooden spacing) and lead spacing, swept, and rearranged some cabinets to make aisle room between the presses.

On a side note, one of the packages I put together was a set of examples for Urban Outfitters. Brady included some Christmas and occasional cards along with a selection of posters. Guess whose poster was part of that selection? If you guessed, mine, you're right. Bobby also mentioned that a bunch of the alphabet posters sold last Saturday. Its a good feeling to have someone buy something you made.

After work I went home and worked more on my Ex Post Facto piece until Halliday called to see if I wanted to escape the heat and spend the night at her place. The answer to that question was an obvious "yes".

As it was two for one burger night at this place called "The Brick" we decided to meet there before heading over to her place. Since Halliday didn't get off work until 9:30, I arrived early to secure a spot before the kitchen closed.

When I arrived I was accosted with the horrible sounds of a solo guitarist attempting to make music. I endured multiple songs telling me about the government and how it is full of trickery and lies. As "Give Me a Passport to Cuba" finished up, Halliday finally joined me.

I had an excellent burger with salsa on top paired with delicious sweet potato fries. While we were waiting for our check, the cook came out and gave us free cookies for us to try, chocolate chip and bacon. They tasted like chocolate chip and our verdict was "not enough bacon". If you're going to go out on a limb, you need to go all the way out - go big or go home, right?

At Halliday's I helped her unload her car and then we settled down with her roommate, Danielle, to watch "No Vacancy", a strange comedy (if you can call it that) starring Christina Ricci.

Danielle has two dogs, one mutt named Honey and one pug, whose name I can't recall. The pug, looks and sounds like a creature from outer space. It sits and wheezes at you until you can't stand looking at it any longer. Honey, on the other hand, is just that. She's an adorable dog made to be petted. She also likes to lick people. I slept on the couch and as the couch is Honey height, I was awoken from my slumber, every so often, by having my face licked.

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