Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Up and getting away

Monday was hot. Too hot, at least in my apartment - so I decided to bolt and do some exploring.
I drove back to Westport and bided my time. I did a little looking at American Trading Company - the Kansas City version of Buffalo Exchange and found nothing worth buying except a dress I could have possibly taken in - it was a size fourteen, and a wide brown belt which I'd seen the other day. I got the belt, but not the dress. Maybe I should have, but then again it was twenty-five bucks, so maybe not.

After spending way much to time in ATC, I mosied over to McCoy's, a local brewpub, and enjoyed their deck for an hour or so. I arrived around four and happy hour was at five so I just sat it out and read the local weekly newspaper. Decks are a big thing out here, and it is a trend that makes sense. The weather is so nice, why would someone eat inside, when they can eat out. McCoy's deck is especially fine with trees and umbrella shades taking the heat off the sun. At night, it is all lit up. Halliday recommended McCoy's to me as one of the best decks in KC, and I can see why she'd think that. Come five, I ordered a pitcher of beer and found it to be too much, after having a glass and a half, I gave the rest to a couple nearby.

Westport is where Halliday works and I briefly visited her before setting off to find Utrecht. The Utrecht here is not as large as the one in Portland, but it has a little of everything. I grabbed some paper for printing and a few scratch boards.

The night ended with Up, the new Pixar flick everyone has been talking about. The only movie theater I could think of was in the Power and Light District so I headed downtown to find it. I had a very interesting movie experience and I will elaborate further when I get back home, right now everyone is waiting on me to go to a potluck, I think I'll pick up some drinks to bring.